Code of Ethıcs

Code of Ethıcs

This policy has been devised to establish ethical guidelines for scientific research, studies, publications, and various activities including meetings, congresses, symposiums, etc., conducted by the Turkish Academy of Management (TAOM).

This policy encompasses research ethics concerning scientific research and studies conducted by the TAOM, scientific activities, research and development projects supported or conducted, and ethical considerations related to publications submitted or published across various media outlets, both within Turkey and abroad. The TAOM maintains privileged rights over these publications, irrespective of relationships between individuals and institutions. This policy adheres to universal publication ethics, existing legislation, and principled decisions.

This policy is based on the Declaration of Helsinki, the Academy of Management Submission Rule of 3, Policies, and Ethics, and the Code of Scientific Research and Publication Ethics of Higher Education Institutions.

Actions that contradict the ethical standards of scientific research and publication, as defined by both international and national professional norms, include:


  1. a) Plagiarism: Presenting the original ideas, methods, data, or work of others as one’s own, in whole or in part, without citation according to the rules of scholarship.
  2. b) Falsification: Using non-existent or fabricated data in scientific research.
  3. c) Fabrication: Falsification of research records or data; falsification of equipment or materials not used in the research; falsification or distortion of research results in the
    interest of the persons or organizations receiving support.
  4. d) Republishing: Presenting duplicate publications as separate publications in academic appointments and promotions.
  5. e) Slicing: Dividing the results of research into parts in a way that disrupts the integrity of the research and is inappropriate, publishing them in more than one issue, and presenting these publications as separate publications in academic appointments and promotions.
  6. f) Unfair authorship: Including or excluding people who have not actively contributed, changing the order of authorship in an unjustified and inappropriate manner, removing the names of active contributors from the work in subsequent editions, using influence to have one’s name included among the authors when one has not actively contributed.
    g) Failure to identify the persons, institutions, or organizations providing support and their contributions in publications resulting from research conducted with support.
    h) Use of dissertations or studies that have not been submitted or defended and accepted as a reference without the permission of the owner.
  7. i) Failure to follow ethical rules in human and animal research, and failure to respect patients’ rights in publications.
  8. j) Failure to comply with the provisions of the relevant legislation on biomedical research on humans and other clinical research.
  9. k) Sharing the information contained in a work that he/she has been assigned to review with others prior to publication without the express permission of the author.
  10. l) Misusing the resources, spaces, facilities, and equipment provided or allocated for scientific research.
  11. m) Making unsubstantiated, unwarranted, and intentional allegations of ethical violations.
  12. n) In the case of surveys and attitude surveys conducted as part of a scientific study, publishing the obtained data without the express consent of the participants or, if the research is to be conducted in an institution, without the permission of the institution.
  13. o) In research and experimentation, harming the health of animals and the ecological balance.
  14. p) In research and experimentation, failing to obtain the permits required to be obtained in writing from the authorized bodies prior to the commencement of the studies.
  15. q) Conducting research and experiments in violation of the provisions of the relevant legislation or international conventions to which Turkey is a signatory.
  16. r) Failure to comply with the obligation to inform and warn those concerned about possible harmful practices related to the scientific research conducted by researchers and authorities.
  17. s) Not appropriately utilizing data and information acquired from other individuals or institutions in scientific studies, disregarding the permitted extent and method, and failing to uphold the confidentiality, security, and protection of this information.

Event Participation Code of Conduct
a) Participation: Based on its mission, TAOM members are expected to cultivate an atmosphere of open dialogue and constructive feedback within the organization. They should demonstrate a willingness to openly share their research findings and insights with fellow members.

  1. b) Original and New Work: Submitted papers must not have been previously presented at an event prior to submission. Additionally, these papers must not have been published or accepted for publication elsewhere. If a paper is under review, it should not have appeared in any printed or online publication within or outside the association before the TAOM Congress.
  2. c) Attendance and Obligations: Attendance at the Congress requires the payment of fees and registration. TAOM operates as a voluntary association, relying on the cooperation, active involvement, and leadership of its members. All members are expected to honor their professional commitments, which include presenting accepted papers and fulfilling assigned roles such as chair, discussant, or panelist. While in-person presentations are encouraged, if unavoidable circumstances prevent attendance, members should promptly notify relevant individuals and arrange suitable alternatives. Leaders within the association bear similar responsibilities and are expected to fulfill their duties diligently, timely, and sensitively, prioritizing their obligations regardless of personal relationships or potential personal gains.
  3. d) Rigor in Research: Researchers participating in annual meetings are required to demonstrate rigor in every phase of their research, encompassing the design, execution, analysis, reporting, and presentation of their findings. This rigor involves meticulous attention to the design, implementation, analysis, interpretation, and secure storage of data. When presenting their research, researchers should offer conclusions that transparently highlight both the strengths and weaknesses of the facts and findings they present.

Ethical Standards for Paper Submissions and Presentations
a) Each individual may only submit or be associated with a maximum of three papers.
b) Authors should submit papers in a manner and quantity that permits their attendance at the sessions, avoiding scheduling conflicts with multiple presentations by the same author.
c) Authors are committed to attending the session where their paper is presented, actively engaging in discussions, and responding to questions. Authors are expected to prioritize this commitment.